Saturday, August 12, 2006

eerste post op Tol Eressëa

Zo, mijn tweede blog is online.
Zoals je ziet in de beschrijving hierboven is deze blog bedoeld voor luchtigere berichten en ontboezemingen. Ik ben in veel onderwerpen geïnteresseerd en je zult er veel terugvinden op deze blog: films, SF & fantasy boeken, aquariums, dinosauriërs, theologische onderwerpen... Kortom, alles wat niet thuishoort op het andere blog.

Voorlopig als eerste bericht de beschrijving van Tol Eressëa uit Wikipedia. Voor iedereen die Tolkien nog niet gelezen heeft. (foei)

[My second blog is online. The purpose of this blog is to post about subjects not covered by my first blog. So expect posts about movies, books, fish, dinosaurs, faith etcetera. I will try to provide english translation for this blog too, but not as much as for the first one.
Read below the description of Tol Eressëa from Wikipedia. For anyone who hasn't read Tolkien yet. (shame on you!)]

In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Tol Eressëa is a large island, where the mallorn trees come from. Its name may be translated from Elvish as the Lonely Island, for it lay originally in the middle of the Belegaer, far from any other landmasses.

Ulmo pushed it back and forth across Belegaer twice to transport the Elves to Aman. After that, it came to rest forever just off the eastern shore of that continent in the Bay of Eldamar, and was inhabited by the Teleri of Aman, until they left for Alqualondë.

With the end of the First Age, many of the exiled Eldar of Middle-earth (and Teleri that had never left it) went to Aman, and lived in the island of Tol Eressëa.

In early versions of Tolkien's legendarium (see: The History of Middle-earth), the island was later visited by Ælfwine (or Eriol), an Englishman from the Middle Ages, which provided a framework for the tales that later became The Silmarillion.

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